For local initiatives in the 27 Mediterranean countries that are Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention
Deadline: 10 November 2021
1 – French Biodiversity Agency
French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) is a public state institution of an administrative nature, created by the law n° 2016-1087 of August 8th, 2016, for the safeguarding of biodiversity, nature and landscapes and governed by Decree n° 2016-1842 of 26 December 2016 on the French Agency for Biodiversity.
The Agency carries out missions in support of the implementation of public policies in the fields of knowledge, preservation, management and restoration of the biodiversity of terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments.
It is under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of ecology and supports the publicactors, working in close partnership particularly with the socio-economic actors. It also aims to engage with the public and mobilizes citizens around actions for biodiversity.
2 –MedWet Initiative
MedWet is a regional intergovernmental network operating under the Ramsar Convention and alsoinvolving other key actors, dedicated to the promotion and support of multi-stakeholder policies and actions on the ground for the conservation and sustainable use of Mediterranean wetlands.
MedWet encourages governments to adopt policies and implement actions on the ground for the conservation and sustainable use of those Mediterranean wetlands.
The main goal of MedWet is to contribute to the achievement of the key target of the 2016-2030
Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) in the Mediterranean region through the effective
implementation of the Ramsar Convention’s wetland strategic plans.
3 –World Wetlands Days (WWD)
World Wetlands Day is celebrated, in an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of wetlands for humanity and the planet, on 2 February every year, the anniversary of the adoption of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar. Around this date, there are many events organized around the world.
Marshes, peatbogs, wet meadows, lagoons, ecosystems between land and water, wetlands are multi#faceted and characterised by exceptional biodiversity. They are home to a vast array of plant and animal species. Through their different functions, they also play a key role in the regulation of water resources, water purification and flood prevention.
Threatened by human activities and global changes, this natural heritage is necessarily receiving special attention. Its preservation represents important environmental, economic and social issues.
4 –Launch of the 2022 call for projects
For the edition of World Wetlands Day 2022, MedWet is relaunching a call for projects to financially support the actors in the realization of animation(s) for WWD.
In 2021, 25 projects were funded. This new call for projects will make it possible to select 34 projects of up to 250 euros to provide a financial boost for their animation(s) of sensibilization and education within the framework of World Wetlands Day.
Since 1998, the Ramsar Convention has set an annual theme and provides event organizers with visual materials in several languages: brochures, posters, games, and so on. For the 2022 edition, the chosen theme is “Wetlands Action for People & Nature”.
5 – Objectives of the call for projects
The objectives of this call for projects are to work towards
Initiating and/or facilitating the realization of animations or tools for sensitization and
education about wetlands in the Mediterranean;
Raising the awareness of the general public for the conservation of wetlands in the
Encouraging actors to participate in an event of global importance; and
Creating a network of initiatives embodying these values in the Mediterranean region.
6 –Typology of animations / awareness and education tools
World Wetlands Day is a special occasion to bring together wetland users and talk to them about theseenvironments and their importance in the Mediterranean. Particular attention is paid to:
Animations / tools targeting a young audience (up to 25 years old) with pedagogical aims; and
Tools that can be employed during other events.
Digital tools in the context of COVID 19
Proposed animations / tools that could be financed. This list is not exhaustive and should be considered as examples:
Cultural activities
Construction sites
Conferences, debates
Observation points
Screening of movies
Educational projects
Nature excursion
Participatory science
The applicant organization undertakes to assign the rights of reproduction, dissemination and availability of all documents submitted under this call for projects free of charge. After the use of the financial support, a feedback report about the animation will be greatly appreciated (level of participation, number of tools distributed, etc.).
7 –Selection procedures
Selection of the projects
The MedWet Secretariat will first review the relevance and completeness of the files before submission to the jury.
A selection committee will meet in December 2021 to select projects that will benefit from the financial contribution.
Each structure can propose only one animation
Selection criteria
WWD event dynamics
The aim is to promote communication, education and awareness of wetlands to diverse audiences,with a strong focus on young audiences, around World Wetlands Day and throughout the year.
Valorization of the annual theme: Wetlands Action for People & Nature
The theme remains optional but may be an added value in the selection of the projects.
Type of expense being funded
The financial boost can be used to finance or co-finance animations or tools. It may be a service invoice or tool production invoice. However, the funding will not cover salary costs.
Communication WWD
The phrase “World Wetlands Day” will be mentioned and the MedWet and OFB logos must appear on the tool or in the communication of the financed animations that the project holder undertakes to
make to the target audience. It will be able to rely on MedWet for enhancement of the Ramsar identity in its communication (Ramsar tools will be available).
14/09/2021: the call for submission of projects
10/11/2021 à 18h: close of the call of projects
before 15/12/2021: meeting of the selection committee
04/01/2022: announcement of allocated funding
A – Project(s) holder informations
Any candidates wishing to submit one application are invited to send their files in paperless format:
to the MedWet Secretariat, contact:; and
to the Ramsar National Focal Point and CEPA Government Focal Point of their country
Each project leader can contact the MedWet Secretariat for information on the preparation of the application file if that would be helpful.
Name of the organization:
Abbreviation (Acronym):
Legal form:
Legal identification number:
Declared and exercised activities:
Mailing address:
Postal code: city:
Email address: website:
Legal representative:
Number of employees: full-time equivalent
Technical contact person for the project
Project lead:
Fixed telephone: Portable telephone:
Other persons involved in the project:
Name: Role: email:
Name: Role: email:
Presentation of the WWD project
Title of the animation / tool:
Target audience:
The number of persons who could benefit:
Technical partner of the project:
If the animation concerns a Ramsar site, Ramsar site concerned :
Estimated overall cost of the project:
I, the undersigned…………………………………………………………………………………………., legal representative of
………………………………………………………., acting as………………….. …………………………………………………………………
grant free of charge the right to use copies and provide documents realized in this call for projects.
Done in………………………………………….., Date……………………………………………….
Bank details
Candidates should please attach their bank details to this file so that the MedWet Secretariat can transfer the financial assistance if selected. (file in attachment must be completed )