Get on the Green Track! Submit Your Event and Join the Debate on Nature and Biodiversity


What is the Green Track?

On the Green Track is the European Union campaign on biodiversity and nature for young people, organised in collaboration with the Global Biodiversity Youth Network (GYBN), that will be implemented in spring 2022, ahead of the second phase of the UN Biodiversity Conference CBD COP15 and during the European Year of Youth.

On behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment we are pleased to invite you to become part of the Green Track journey. You can contribute to the debate about the future of nature and biodiversity ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference CBD COP15 by organising a youth-focused event!

If you or your organisation would like to – or are already planning to – organise an event engaging youth between March and May 2022 on a topic such as nature/biodiversity, circular economy, zero pollution, sustainable lifestyle or other, this is a great opportunity to submit it and become one of the Green Track Stops on the Green Track itinerary.

What does organising a Green Track Stop mean in practice? By becoming one of the Green Track Stops, your event will benefit from:

  • Visibility on the European Commission campaign website and on the social media channels of the Directorate–General for the Environment of the European Commission and other platforms;
  • An opportunity to co-brand your event with the campaign visual identity;
  • An editable toolkit with templates and materials for event communication and promotion, as well as guidelines for event organization;
  • Facilitation in accessing digital tools for organising online events;
  • An opportunity to attend an info session for event organisers.

All types of events are welcome – conferences, meetings, public discussions, debates, artistic performances etc., as long as they engage with young people in the EU. Events can be organised by youth organisations or networks, universities, collectives and citizens. They can take place at the local, regional, national or EU level. Events can be organised online, in-person or in hybrid format and can be held in any EU language.

Don’t miss this opportunity and submit your event application by 10 December 2021!

For all your questions about the campaign or this call for events, please visit the call for events  website, available in all EU languages, and consult the Guidelines for application. If you need further information, you can reach the campaign team at

We look forward to counting your event among our Green Track Stops in 2022.

2021 Call for Projects World Wetlands Days 2022

For local initiatives in the 27 Mediterranean countries that are Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention

Deadline: 10 November 2021


1 – French Biodiversity Agency

French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) is a public state institution of an administrative nature, created by the law n° 2016-1087 of August 8th, 2016, for the safeguarding of biodiversity, nature and landscapes and governed by Decree n° 2016-1842 of 26 December 2016 on the French Agency for Biodiversity.

The Agency carries out missions in support of the implementation of public policies in the fields of knowledge, preservation, management and restoration of the biodiversity of terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments.

It is under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of ecology and supports the publicactors, working in close partnership particularly with the socio-economic actors. It also aims to engage with the public and mobilizes citizens around actions for biodiversity.

2 –MedWet Initiative

MedWet is a regional intergovernmental network operating under the Ramsar Convention and alsoinvolving other key actors, dedicated to the promotion and support of multi-stakeholder policies and actions on the ground for the conservation and sustainable use of Mediterranean wetlands.

MedWet encourages governments to adopt policies and implement actions on the ground for the conservation and sustainable use of those Mediterranean wetlands.

The main goal of MedWet is to contribute to the achievement of the key target of the 2016-2030

Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) in the Mediterranean region through the effective

implementation of the Ramsar Convention’s wetland strategic plans.

3 –World Wetlands Days (WWD)

World Wetlands Day is celebrated, in an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of wetlands for humanity and the planet, on 2 February every year, the anniversary of the adoption of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in 1971 in the Iranian city of Ramsar. Around this date, there are many events organized around the world.

Marshes, peatbogs, wet meadows, lagoons, ecosystems between land and water, wetlands are multi#faceted and characterised by exceptional biodiversity. They are home to a vast array of plant and animal species. Through their different functions, they also play a key role in the regulation of water resources, water purification and flood prevention.

Threatened by human activities and global changes, this natural heritage is necessarily receiving special attention. Its preservation represents important environmental, economic and social issues.

4 –Launch of the 2022 call for projects

For the edition of World Wetlands Day 2022, MedWet is relaunching a call for projects to financially support the actors in the realization of animation(s) for WWD.

In 2021, 25 projects were funded. This new call for projects will make it possible to select 34 projects of up to 250 euros to provide a financial boost for their animation(s) of sensibilization and education within the framework of World Wetlands Day.

Since 1998, the Ramsar Convention has set an annual theme and provides event organizers with visual materials in several languages: brochures, posters, games, and so on. For the 2022 edition, the chosen theme is “Wetlands Action for People & Nature”.

5 – Objectives of the call for projects

The objectives of this call for projects are to work towards

 Initiating and/or facilitating the realization of animations or tools for sensitization and

education about wetlands in the Mediterranean;

 Raising the awareness of the general public for the conservation of wetlands in the


 Encouraging actors to participate in an event of global importance; and

 Creating a network of initiatives embodying these values in the Mediterranean region.

6 –Typology of animations / awareness and education tools

World Wetlands Day is a special occasion to bring together wetland users and talk to them about theseenvironments and their importance in the Mediterranean. Particular attention is paid to:

 Animations / tools targeting a young audience (up to 25 years old) with pedagogical aims; and

 Tools that can be employed during other events.

 Digital tools in the context of COVID 19

Proposed animations / tools that could be financed. This list is not exhaustive and should be considered as examples:

 Cultural activities

 Workshops

 Construction sites

 Conferences, debates

 Exhibitions

 Observation points

 Screening of movies

 Educational projects

 Nature excursion

 Participatory science

The applicant organization undertakes to assign the rights of reproduction, dissemination and availability of all documents submitted under this call for projects free of charge. After the use of the financial support, a feedback report about the animation will be greatly appreciated (level of participation, number of tools distributed, etc.).

7 –Selection procedures

Selection of the projects

 The MedWet Secretariat will first review the relevance and completeness of the files before submission to the jury.

 A selection committee will meet in December 2021 to select projects that will benefit from the financial contribution.

Each structure can propose only one animation

Selection criteria

 WWD event dynamics

The aim is to promote communication, education and awareness of wetlands to diverse audiences,with a strong focus on young audiences, around World Wetlands Day and throughout the year.

 Valorization of the annual theme: Wetlands Action for People & Nature

The theme remains optional but may be an added value in the selection of the projects.

 Type of expense being funded

The financial boost can be used to finance or co-finance animations or tools. It may be a service invoice or tool production invoice. However, the funding will not cover salary costs.

 Communication WWD

The phrase “World Wetlands Day” will be mentioned and the MedWet and OFB logos must appear on the tool or in the communication of the financed animations that the project holder undertakes to

make to the target audience. It will be able to rely on MedWet for enhancement of the Ramsar identity in its communication (Ramsar tools will be available).


 14/09/2021: the call for submission of projects

 10/11/2021 à 18h: close of the call of projects

 before 15/12/2021: meeting of the selection committee

 04/01/2022: announcement of allocated funding

A – Project(s) holder informations

Any candidates wishing to submit one application are invited to send their files in paperless format:

 to the MedWet Secretariat, contact:; and

 to the Ramsar National Focal Point and CEPA Government Focal Point of their country

Each project leader can contact the MedWet Secretariat for information on the preparation of the application file if that would be helpful.



Name of the organization:

Abbreviation (Acronym):

Legal form:

Legal identification number:

Declared and exercised activities:

Mailing address:

Postal code: city:


Email address: website:

Legal representative:

Number of employees: full-time equivalent

Technical contact person for the project

Project lead:

Fixed telephone: Portable telephone:


Other persons involved in the project:

Name: Role: email:

Name: Role: email:

Presentation of the WWD project

Title of the animation / tool:


Target audience:

The number of persons who could benefit:

Technical partner of the project:

If the animation concerns a Ramsar site, Ramsar site concerned :

Estimated overall cost of the project:


I, the undersigned…………………………………………………………………………………………., legal representative of

………………………………………………………., acting as………………….. …………………………………………………………………


grant free of charge the right to use copies and provide documents realized in this call for projects.

Done in………………………………………….., Date……………………………………………….


Bank details

Candidates should please attach their bank details to this file so that the MedWet Secretariat can transfer the financial assistance if selected. (file in attachment must be completed )

Invitation for Inclusion in the Campaign to Reduce Marine Litter “Our Sea – Our Future”

Photo: Hristo Anestev


The Via Pontica Foundation is pleased to invite you to join the EU-supported litter reduction campaign entitled “Our Sea – Our Future” *. The aim of the campaign is to implement measures to reduce waste, promote it and raise awareness of residents and guests of Burgas.

The waste reduction campaign will last 8 days (from 16.07.2021 to 23.07.2021 inclusive) and will be held on the beach “Kraimorie” (Kraimorie, Burgas) and on Lake Burgas (Ecopark “Vaya”).

The opening of the campaign will take place on 16.07.2021 (Friday) on the beach “Kraimorie” with the organization of ECO WORKSHOP FOR CHILDREN.

The ECO WORKSHOP will be held on 16.07.2021 in the hours from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00 and will include the production of various useful and beautiful items from waste. If interested, the eco workshop will work during the whole campaign.

On 20.07.2021 (Tuesday) from 10:00 am in the Ecopark for Biodiversity and Alternative Tourism “VAYA” on the river Chakarliyka, flowing into the Burgas Lake (Vaya), a PILOT DEMONSTRATION IMPLEMENTATION OF WASTE REDUCTION MEASURES in the coastal zone, carried by rivers, flowing into the sea.

During the entire period of the campaign, a TEMPORARY INNOVATIVE INFORMATION CENTER, established with waste materials in order to raise awareness, will be located in the area of Kraimorie Beach.

Attractive facilities for separate waste collection and thematic information boards will be placed around the information center. Every visitor to the beach will have the opportunity to learn understandably presented information about the significance of the problem of marine litter.

Photo: Hristo Anestev


If you don’t know:

To what extent is waste harmful to marine organisms and humans?

How long does it take for different types of waste to decompose completely?

What are the benefits of recycling?

Which waste can be recycled and which cannot?

But you want to learn the answers to these and many other interesting questions while having fun, we are waiting for you on the beach in Kraimorie!

If you know, get involved to show that we are ready to take care of our sea!


  • The campaign “OUR SEA – OUR FUTURE” is conducted with the financial support of the EU under the project “Innovative Techniques and Methods for Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea Coastal Areas”-BSB552 RedMarLitter, priority 2.2. “Awareness Raising and Joint Actions for Reducing River and Marine Litter”, Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”.

Initiative “European Maritime Day in My Country”


Via Pontica Foundation joins the European Commission’s initiative “European Maritime Day in My Country” on the occasion of European Maritime Day 2021

On May 20, we celebrate the European Day of the Sea. Its announcement is one of the key initiatives of the EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy, launched in 2007. Maritime Day brings together business and civil society stakeholders professionally involved in maritime policy, as well as journalists from across the EU and beyond to discuss the wide range issues related to integrated maritime governance, new technologies, energy production, maritime spatial planning, maritime surveillance systems, etc.



The European Maritime Day in My Country initiative is an important part of awareness-raising and public awareness activities on maritime issues, which have been expanding and gaining popularity in recent years.

On this occasion, Via Pontica Foundation organizes two Information Days entitled “Saving the Black Sea from Waste”, which will be held on 21.05.2021 in front of the Exhibition Center “Flora” in the Sea Garden of Burgas and 22.05.2021 in front of Cultural Sea Casino Center, Burgas.

FB –

Discussion on the Future of the Black Sea



Seminar “Forum for the future seas” will be held on 20.05.2021 in the exhibition center “Flora” in the Sea Garden of the city of Burgas. The event will start at 10:00 and will last until 16:00.

The forum provides an opportunity to engage in an interesting discussion, which aims to outline the future horizons of our actions to protect and preserve the resources of the Black Sea and protect it from pollution by solid marine litter. The topics included in the previous edition of the forum, held in 2018, provide an opportunity for proactive participation of all stakeholders in the current edition, in order to exchange information and suggestions for future activities.

The event will include scientists and activists in the field of protection of the Black Sea.

The organizers are the Via Pontica Foundation and the Municipality of Burgas.

The initiative is part of the program of the European Maritime Day in Bulgaria 2021 and is organized under the project “Innovative Techniques and Methods for Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea Coastal Areas”, BSB552 “RedMarLitter”, Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”.

The seminar will be held in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures in connection with the spread of Covid-19 in Bulgaria.

You can see the program:  FORUM FOR THE FUTURE SEAS

Procedure for Determining a Contractor with Subject “Reduction of the Litter Pollution in a Demonstration Section of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast through Pilot Application of Innovative Measures”




Procedure for determining a contractor, according to art. 49 – 53 ZUSESIF and CMD № 160 / 01.07.2016, with subject “Reduction of the litter pollution in a demonstration section of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast through pilot application of innovative measures” of the project “Innovative Techniques and Methods for Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea Coastal Areas”, priority 2.2. “Awareness Raising and Joint Actions for Reducing River and Marine Litter”, Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”


Date of publication

29.04.2021 – 10:45

Date of validity

19.05.2021 – 17:00

Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020


VIA PONTICA Foundation



The announcement is also published here:


Festive Initiatives of the Via Pontica Foundation


Let’s celebrate April 22 – International Earth Day


On the occasion of April 22 – INTERNATIONAL EARTH DAY, the Via Pontica Foundation and the Fishermen Association “Burgas Lakes” will jointly celebrate this day by organizing a creative event for children!

We invite all young and old to join on April 22 from the Sea Garden of Burgas, at the alleys in front of the Sea Casino to give free rein to their creative inspiration.

The motto of the drawings is related to the theme of EARTHDAY.ORG for Earth Day 2021 – “Let’s restore our EARTH”.

All children who took part in the initiative will receive diplomas and symbolic prizes.



Join the Colorful Holiday on April 24 – “Easter Dyehouse”


On Lazarus Day the Ecopark for Biodiversity and Alternative Tourism “Vaya” organizes a colorful holiday in nature – “Easter Dyehouse“.

Dear children and parents,

On 24.04.2021 from 11:00 we have the pleasure to invite you to join a colorful holiday “Easter Dyehouse

“, which is organized on the occasion of the upcoming Easter holidays. The Lazarus Day is one of the most beautiful and colorful holidays in the Bulgarian folk calendar. It was associated with the onset of spring, a holiday of nature, the girl and the lass. The interesting program of the event includes:

  1. Festive opening of the program with the ritual Lazarus
  2. Weaving of colored wreaths according to Lazarus custom
  3. Creative workshop for painting Easter eggs – you will become participants in an authentic ritual for painting eggs with natural dyes.

And the eggs are kindly provided by the hens on our farm.

  1. Competition “The most beautiful Easter egg”
  2. Easter Egg Hunt Game
  3. Fastest Easter Bunny Competition

We have prepared sweet surprises for all participants!

To immerse ourselves together in the pre-holiday atmosphere and to acquaint the children with the ancient Bulgarian traditions and customs, to prepare for the upcoming holidays.

We look forward to seeing you in a colorful mood!



Freestyle Sport Fishing Competition for VAYA Cup


Ecopark for Biodiversity and Alternative Tourism “Vaya”, together with the the Fishermen Association “Burgas Lakes” and the Fishermen Association “Nasluka”, announce a one-day competition in sport fishing freestyle for the cup “VAYA”, which will be held on 25.04.2021.

Program of the competition:

7:30 Meeting point briefing

8:00 Draw

8:30 Accommodation in places

9:50 Power supply

10:00 Start

15:00 Final

15:40 Announcement of the results and awarding


Buy cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place

Medals for 4,5,6 place

Individual prize for the largest fish caught

Additional surprises for the youngest competitors

Participation fee: BGN 40

Registration for participation is done with a personal message on the Facebook page of Ecopark for Biodiversity and Alternative Tourism “Vaya” and on tel. 0885 711 263, which can be used for questions and additional information.

Maximum number of participants: 60

The competition will be held in strict compliance with the Order of the Minister of Health in connection with the imposed anti-epidemic measures against the spread of Covid-19. During the briefing and drawing of lots, as well as later during the award ceremony, all participants and guests are required to keep a distance. It is forbidden to gather around the table of judges and organizers during the draw. Competitors will be called one by one by the judge in the order of their registration.

The ORGANIZER reserves the right to change the CONDITIONS and change the date of the competition in bad weather conditions. The competition is terminated or postponed in the event of conditions endangering the health and safety of competitors.




European Commission Calls for Support of the “Voluntary Initiative to Promote Green Consumption”


The European Commission has disseminated information on the pilot phase of a “voluntary initiative to promote green consumption” organized by industry at European level.

The Green Consumption Pledge is part of the European Climate Pact which is an EU-wide initiative inviting people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action and build a greener Europe.  With their signatures, companies promise to accelerate their contribution to a green transition. The pledges have been developed in a joint effort between the Commission and companies. Their aim is to accelerate the contribution of businesses to a sustainable economic recovery and to build consumer trust in the environmental performance of companies and products.

Colruyt Group, Decathlon, LEGO Group, L’Oréal and Renewd are the first pioneering enterprises that are participating in this pilot project. The functioning of the Green Consumption Pledges will be assessed in a year from now, before next steps are taken.

The Green Consumption Pledge is based on a set of five core pledges. To join it, companies commit to ambitious actions to improve their environmental impact and to help consumers make more sustainable purchases. They have to take concrete measures in at least three of the five pledge areas and they need to prove their progress with data that they then make public. Each pledging company will work with the Commission in complete transparency to ensure that the progress is reliable and verifiable. The five core pledge areas are the following:

  1. Calculate the carbon footprint of the company, including its supply chain, using the calculation methodology or environmental management scheme developed by the Commission, and establish proper due diligence processes towards achieving footprint reductions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  2. Calculate the carbon footprint of selected flagship products of the company, using the methodology developed by the Commission, and to achieve certain footprint reductions for the selected products and disclose the progress to the general public.
  3. Increase the sale of sustainable products or services within the total sales of the company or its selected business part.
  4. Commit part of the corporate public relations expenditure to the promotion of sustainable practices in line the Commission’s implementation of the European Green Deal policies and actions.
  5. Ensure information provided to consumers in relation to the company and product carbon footprints is easy to access, accurate and clear, and maintain this information up-to-date following any reductions or increases of the footprints.

The Green Consumption Pledge initiative focuses on non-food products and it is complementary to the Code of Conduct that is launched tomorrow, 26 January, as part of the Farm to Fork strategy. The Code of Conduct will bring together stakeholders from the food system to make commitments for responsible business and marketing practices.

Next Steps

Any company from the non-food sectors as well as companies in the retail sector selling both food and non-food products interested in joining the Green Pledge can contact the European Commission before the end of March 2021.

This initial pilot phase of the Green Consumption Pledge will be completed by January 2022. Before next steps will be taken, an evaluation of the functioning of the Pledge will be conducted in consultation with the participating companies, relevant consumer organisations and other stakeholders.

In case organizations are interested and want to join the initiative, they can do so until March 31, 2021, and the services of DG Justice and Consumers are available to all companies interested in the Green Consumer Initiative and can get an advice or additional information via the contact email address

with the exception of companies exclusively in the food sector who are encouraged to join the Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices by contacting the relevant Commission services via these email addresses: and


 “Be the change, you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi



On the occasion of the celebration of the World Wetlands Day, February 2, BURGAS LAKES FISHERMENS ASSOCIATION organizes cleaning in the area of the neighborhood of Gorno Ezerovo.

We invite everyone, wishing to take part, to join the initiative, which will be held on February 7, 2021 (Sunday) from 11:00.

The necessary bags and gloves for cleaning will be provided by the Association and will be distributed on site.

To contact the organizers: Rafi Yanchev 0886401777

Notification of an Upcoming Event


Become a Volunteer!
Join us and help!


The Via Pontica Foundation and the Municipality of Burgas invite the citizens of the city of Burgas and the surrounding villages to join in the cleaning of the beach north of the “Chernomorski solnici”. The volunteers gather on September 30, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. The organization of the event is the work of the team of the project “Innovative techniques and methods for reducing marine litter in the coastal areas of the Black Sea” of the joint operational programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”.

Join and help restore the ecological balance of the beaches of Burgas! Meet new people, invest time, energy and ideas in a good cause and feel the satisfaction that you are helping and contributing to a positive change of your city!