We are increasingly talking about climate change. In the Polish city of Katowice there is the 24th UN Climate Change Conference, but the great missing is the French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, who canceled his trip to cope with protests in France. The dissatisfaction of the “yellow vests” was due to the planned increase in fuel prices, which is known in the country as an “Ecology Fee”. About Climate Change and the measures to be taken, a guest at the studio of the morning block of the Bulgarian National Television was the French climatologist Professor Edouard Bard, who will today deliver a lecture at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The Ecology charge has caused huge protests in France, which have been going on for a month now. Professor Bar said that this shows how difficult it is to adopt measures that are good for the future. In his opinion, these measures are not well explained to people, but it is important to start this change in environmental policy.

Professor Edouard Bard, climatologist: Paris was the leader in the battle with climate problems. Scientists are trying to organize things on an international level. The message of 20 years is the same – to reduce emissions. It is alarming and difficult that these additional taxes for some households can have an impact, and we must try to help the poorest to be assisted in this transition.

Regarding the topic of global warming, Professor Bard was categorical that things should be viewed globally as well as historically. Changes should be considered as age-old, such as millenniums, to have an idea of what’s extraordinary and not. It’s true that major changes, warming, climate change are increasing from carbon gas.



Professor Bard has won a number of prestigious awards, including the Knight of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic, the Grand Prix of Prince Albert First of the Monaco Oceanographic Institute, and an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Belgium.
Professor Bard’s lecture will be in English and is about “Paleo-climatic variations in the area around the Black Sea during the last ice age.” The climate around the Black Sea coast is influenced by the sudden events that have occurred over the last millennium in the North Atlantic Ocean, the French climate scientist said in a lecture.

According to him, through his great watershed, the hydrology of the Black Sea is affected by the melting of the Eurasian Fennoscandian glacial layer. Studying and documenting this volatility is key to identifying the region’s sensitivity to climate change in the past and present. This is also important in order to make a true recreation of the environment inhabited by the prehistoric inhabitants of these regions, as evidenced by the famous localities, such as the Bacho Kiro cave in Bulgaria, Prof. Eduard Bard explains.



Climate in Crisis: World Famous French Climatologist Prof. Edouard Bard to BNT