We are pleased to announce that the Via Pontica Foundation has published its latest Communication of engagement (COE) report as part of our participation in the United Nations Global Compact initiative. This important document demonstrates our ongoing commitment to sustainable development and adherence to the ten principles of sustainable development of the Global Compact, which include the protection of human rights, compliance with labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

In keeping with our mission, we continue to work actively to protect biodiversity, both species and their ecosystems and habitats. The leading objectives of the Via Pontica Foundation include not only the protection of nature, but also the construction of nature protection structures, the affirmation of biodiversity in a social, ethical and cultural context, as well as the activation of a positive and proactive attitude towards nature among society. Through our initiatives, we aim to inspire and engage more people and organizations to get involved in nature conservation.

We believe that by working together we can achieve significant change and inspire more people and organizations to engage in sustainable practices. You can read our latest report and learn more about our work and results.

View the full report here: https://unglobalcompact.org/participation/report/cop/detail/481998.

sustainable development goals

Via Pontica Foundation has published its latest Communication of Engagement report as part of the UN Global Compact