Foundation Via Pontica is excited to announce the launch of the MoreAdaptBSB project, co-funded by the European Union under the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.

Project name: ” Less vulnerability, more adaptability – pilot remote sensing assisted restoration of green spaces in coastal and urban areas within the Black sea region”

Project code and acronym: BSB00479 – MoreAdaptBSB

The MoreAdaptBSB project aims to enhance transboundary cooperation to improve regional readiness and adaptability to climate change-related hazards. This will be achieved through the application of nature-based solutions and innovative remote sensing methods, focusing on the restoration of green spaces in coastal and urban areas within the Black Sea region.

Leading Partner: OVIDIUS University of Constanta – Romania

Project Partners: Chamber of Chalkidiki – Elláda
Municipality of Kassandra  – Elláda
Via Pontica Foundation – Bulgaria
Municipality of Primorsko  – Bulgaria
Odessa State Agrarian University – Ukraine

Programme priority: Clean and Green Region

Duration: 30 months

07/2024 – 01/2027

Total budget: 1.594.728,00 Euros

EU funding: 1.435.255,20 Euros

Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin: MoreAdapt Project Launch
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