If you love the nature of Bulgaria and its fate is not indifferent to you, we would love to have your support!

Via Pontica relies on dedicated and talented people who share our values to help us create a better world in which Nature and humans live in harmony and there is a favourable environment for everyone!

Become a Volunteer
Join us and help!

is a campaign of Via Pontica, which aims to link volunteers, foundation and nature and thus to create a platform for exchange of ideas, best practices, skills and knowledge in the field of preservation and restoration of the ecological balance and habitats in Burgas lake.

Volunteering is a way of life: to think, feel and act, distributing and serving others.

By volunteering you have the opportunity to spend your free time in enjoyable activities, that allow you to progress and give you the satisfaction of helping and contributing the positive change. Acquainted with new people, you have cause for good, in which you invest time, energy and ideas. Volunteering is a new way of thinking and activities that lead to satisfaction and spiritualization.

Come to us! You will gain a valuable experience in the field of preservation of the Bulgarian nature: a conservation of natural resources, changing attitudes towards the protected areas and awareness the opportunities, benefits and responsibilities to wildlife and you add new skills with the help of qualified employees.Furthermore:

– Get valuable practical experience;
– Esteem;
– Getting to know new people who share your values;
– Have fun while doing something good.

Where and when can I volunteer?

Whenever you see fit! Whenever we need help, we send an email to volunteers. Participation is not mandatory – who has time and opportunity to respond.

Our volunteers receive an email updates about our activities, invitations to Via Pontica Foundation events and information about new job positions.
Our volunteer roles can be tailored to your skills, interests and circumstances.
No need to be an expert to get you volunteered for us. There are many ways you can get involved in our work, and if you don’t distinguish a thrush from robin, it really does not matter.
You do not have to be a member of Via Pontica Foundation to volunteer with us.
If you are under 18, you need permission from a parent or guardian before starting as a volunteer.

You can participate as:

Volunteer monitoring of birds or animals
Volunteer marking of birds or animals
Volunteer to create videos and photographs
Volunteer planting of saplings, construction of paths and birdhouses and placing them in appropriate places
Volunteer – assistant of the administrator for processing and storing data
Volunteer to inform visitors in the nature reserve and in our visitor centre
Volunteer for events held by Via Pontica – photographer and video cameraman, animator, leading, DJ and more.
Volunteer to distribute informational materials
Volunteer monitoring the foreign media and translations
Volunteer – Web and graphic designer for an advice and assistance
Volunteer – electrician and plumbing when necessary
Volunteer – lawyer or legal adviser for a support in legal cases.

How to become a volunteer in three short steps:

1. Think about which are your important causes
Which issues most interest you? Which injustice most resent you and you are willing to pick up the mountains just to not allow it to happen? What kind of people you want around you?

2. Consider how much time you can spend volunteering
Has all sorts of possibilities, see above, it is important to know what you are looking for.

3. Ask friends, whether they are engaged already with something
You may find something unsuspected, for example, that a friend has helped to set up the birdhouse or has made great pictures of animals. And then when came ideas for common projects, your friendship will never be the same!
You can spend more or less a time as you want. Any time that you can spare will be highly appreciated and will help in our vital care for wildlife!

It’s fun!

Sign up to volunteer and join the Friends of Via Pontica Foundation!

I want to Participate:

    Name and family name


    Mobile number

    1. Have you worked before with birds or animals?

    2. If so, how long?

    3. Can you get involved in volunteering during the week?

    4. How much time you can spend per month on volunteering?

    5. Why and how you want to be a volunteer at Via Pontica?

    6. Please attach your CV.