Special Protection Area (SPA)

Burgasko Ezero Vaya-Burgas Lake Vaya




For protected areas (areas corresponding to the category IV of IUCN) are declaring areas with typical or remarkable scenery including those that are the result of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and habitats of endangered, rare or vulnerable plant and animal species and communities.

IUCN protected area management categories classified protected areas according to their management objectives. These categories are recognized by international bodies such as the United Nations and by many national governments as the global standard for defining and recording protected areas and as such are increasingly being incorporated into government legislation.

Protected areas are managed to maintain landscape components, preserve, maintain or restore habitat conditions that meet the ecological requirements of species and communities – subject to protection, providing research opportunities, educational activity and environmental monitoring, providing opportunities for tourism and for spiritual enrichment. Protected areas prohibit activities that are contrary to the requirements for the protection of specific objects, which are subject to protection.

Bourgas Lake Vaya is a protected area under the two Directives: Directive 2009/147 / EC on the conservation of wild birds and Directive 92/43 / EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna.

The full text of Directive 2009/147 / EC (Birds Directive) can be found here:

The full text of Directive 92/43 / EEC (Habitats Directive) can be found here:



Subject and Purposes of Conservation of the Protected Zone BG0000273 According to Art. 8, Para. 1, Item 2 of the BDA:


  • Conservation of the area of natural habitats and habitats of species and their populations subject to conservation within the protected area.
    • Conservation of the natural state of the natural habitats and habitats of species protected within the protected area, including the natural species composition, typical species and environmental conditions.
  • Restoration, where necessary, of the area and natural state of priority natural habitats and habitats of species, as well as of populations of species subject to conservation within the protected area.


The Following Birds Are Subject to Conservation:


  1. Species included in Appendix. 2 of the Law on Biological Diversity (Annex I of Dir.79 / 409 / EEC)

Falco vespertinus – Red-footed Falcon
Ciconia nigra -Black Stork
Ciconia ciconia -White Stork
Circus aeruginosus -Western Marsh-harrier
Circus cyaneus -Hen Harrier
Circus pygargus  -Montagu’s Harrier
Aquila pomarina -Lesser Spotted Eagle
Aquila clanga -Greater Spotted Eagle
Hieraaetus pennatus -Booted Eagle
Ardea purpurea -Purple Heron
Falco naumanni -Lesser Kestrel
Nycticorax nycticorax -Black-crowned Night-heron
Falco columbarius -Merlin
Phalacrocorax pygmeus -Pygmy Cormorant
Falco peregrinus -Peregrine Falcon
Pandion haliaetus -Western Osprey
Gavia arctica -Black- throated Loon
Platalea leucorodia -Common Spoonbill
Cygnus columbianus bewickii -Tundra Swan
Cygnus Cygnus -Pony Swan
Anser erythropus -Small White-fronted Goose
Aythya nyroca -Ferruginous Duck
Mergus albellus -Smew
Egretta garzetta -Little Egret
Haliaeetus albicilla -White-tailed Eagle
Egretta alba -Big White Heron
Pelecanus onocrotalus -Great White Pelican
Pelecanus crispus -Dalmatian Pelican
Botaurus stellaris -Eurasian Bittern
Ixobrychus minutus -Little Bittern
Glareola pratincola -Collared Pratincole
Ardeola ralloides -Gray Heron
Porzana parva -Baillon’s Crake
Oxyura leucocephala -White-Headed Duck
Asio flammeus -Short-Eared Owl
Falco cherrug -Hawk Falcon
Dendrocopos syriacus -Syrian Woodpecker
Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard
Accipiter brevipes -Levant Sparrowhawk
Tadorna ferruginea – Ruddy Shelduck
Branta ruficollis -Red-Breasted Goose
Lanius minor -Lesser Grey Shrike
Lanius collurio -Red-backed Shrike
Acrocephalus melanopogon – Moustached Warbler
Lullula arborea -Wood Lark
Himantopus himantopus -Black-winged Stilt
Alcedo atthis -Common kingfisher
Crex crex -Corn Crake
Chlidonias niger -Black Tern
Tringa glareola -Wood Sandpiper
Plegadis falcinellus -Brilliant Ibis
Recurvirostra avosetta -Pied Avocet
Coracias garrulous -European Roller
Philomachus pugnax -Ruff
Chlidonias hybridus -Whiskered Tern
Phalaropus lobatus -Red-necked Phalarope
Larus melanocephalus -Mediterranean Gull
Larus minutus -Little Gull
Larus genei -Long-tailed Gull
Gelochelidon nilotica -Gull-billed Tern
Sterna caspia -Caspian Tern
Sterna sandvicensis -Sandwich Tern
Sterna hirundo -River Tern
Sterna albifrons -White-tailed Tern
Charadrius alexandrines -Kentish Plover



2.Regular migratory bird species not listed in Annex 2 of the Law on Biological Diversity (Annex I of Dir.79 / 409 / EEC)


Limicola falcinellus -Broad-billed Sandpiper
Numenius arquata -Eurasian Curlew
Chlidonias leucopterus -White-winged Tern
Larus ridibundus -Black-headed Gull
Tringa nebularia -Common Greenshank
Tringa tetanus -Common Redshank
Tringa erythropus -Spotted Redshank
Numenius phaeopus -Whimbrel
Limosa limosa -Black-tailed Godwit
Gallinago gallinago -Common Snipe
Calidris alpina -Dunlin
Calidris ferruginea  -Curlew Sandpiper
Calidris minuta -Little Stint
Fulica attracts – Eurasian Coot
Accipiter nisus -Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Vanellus vanellus -Northern Lapwing
Larus canus  -Common Gull
Tringa stagnatilis -Marsh Sandpiper
Larus fuscus -Lesser Black-backed Gull
Tringa ochropus -Green Sandpiper
Gallinula chloropus -Common Moorhen
Podiceps grisegena -Red-necked Grebe
Netta rufina -Red-crested Pochard
Rallus aquaticus -Water Rail
Lymnocryptes minimus -Jack Snipe
Actitis hypoleucos -Common Sandpiper
Haematopus ostralegus -Eurasian Oystercatcher
Falco tinnunculus -Common Kestrel
Falco Subbuteo -Eurasian Hobby
Charadrius hiaticula -Common Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plove

Bucephala clangula -Common Goldeneye
Mergus merganser -Goosander
Tadorna tadorna -Shelduck
Buteo buteo Common -Buzzard
Larus cachinnans -Caspian Gull
Cygnus olor -Mute swan
Anser anser -Gray Goose
Anas penelope -Eurasian Wigeon
Anas strepera -Gray Duck
Anas crecca -Eurasian Teal
Anas platyrhynchos -Mallard
Anas acuta -Northern Pintail
Anas querquedula  -Garganey
Phalacrocorax carbo -Great Cormorant
Anser albifrons -Large White-fronted Goose
Anas clypeata -Northern Shoveler
Ardea cinerea -Gray Heron
Merops apiaster -European Bee-eater
Podiceps nigricollis -Black-necked Grebe
Podiceps cristatus -Great Crested Grebe
Tachybaptus ruficollis -Little Grebe
Riparia riparia -Collared Sand Martin
Mergus serrator -Red-breasted Merganser
Aythya fuligula -Tufted Duck
Aythya ferina -Common Pochard



The Following Natural Habitats Are Subject to Conservation:

It protects 2 habitat types of the Habitats Directive

Habitat type code   Habitat type english name   Cover [ha]  
1310 Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand 40.1764
1410 Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) 0.4631


The Following Fish Are Subject to Conservation:


Chalcalburnus chalcoides     Danube bleak or Caspian shemaya
Rhodeus sericeus amarus     European bitterling


The Following Mammals Are Subject to Conservation:

Lutra lutra                 Eurasian otter

Myomimus roachi   Roach’s Mouse-tailed Dormouse

Vormela peregusna     Marbled Polecat


The Following Amphibians and Reptiles Are Subject to Conservation:

Bombina bombina            European Fire-bellied Toad

Elaphe quatuorlineata     Four-lined Snake
Emys orbicularis                European Pond Turtle
Testudo graeca                  Greek Tortoise
Testudo hermanni            Hermann’s Tortoise
Triturus karelinii               Southern Crested Newt



The Following Invertebrates Are Subject to Conservation:


Coenagrion ornatum    Ornate Bluet



Mode of Activities:

• It is forbidden any new construction and change of the water regime defined for the existing pumping station, swimming pools and canals related to the activity of the fish farm.
• Water pollution is prohibited in any way.
• Expansion of existing meadows and coastal areas is prohibited.
• It is forbidden to worry birds during the breeding season, the collection of eggs and the tightening of the small ones.
• It is forbidden to hunt waterfowl.
• Grazing of goats and pigs is prohibited.
• It is forbidden to burn marsh vegetation.
• It is prohibited to fish in the protected area’s aquatic environment.
• Authorization for industrial fishing after annual allocation of fish stocks and catch quotas outside the period 1 March to 31 July.
• Fishing activity is permitted, which is not in contradiction with the protected area regimes.
• Allow traditional land use from the agricultural fund, subject to prohibitions under this order.
• It is allowed to cut the reed and cane from 1 September to 15 February.
• Grazing of domestic animals (sheep and cows) in swamps of meridians is permitted.
• It is permitted the hunting of big game (wild boar and deer roe).
• It is possible to regulate the number of vaccines if necessary and after consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Water.


Prohibited Appliances, Methods and Tools, Incl. Motor Vehicles for the Capture and Killing of:

– Live animals, incl. blind or mutilated, used as baits;
– Sound recordings;
– Electrical and electronic devices capable of killing or stunning;
– Artificial light sources;
– Mirrors and other dazzling objects;
– Devices for illuminating targets;
– Night shooting target devices incorporating an electronic converter or image magnifier;
– Explosives;
– Networks which, according to the principle or the conditions of their use, are non-selective;
– Traps which, according to the principle or conditions of their use, are non-selective;
– Crossbows;
Poisons and poisons with poison or narcotics;
– Gassing or smoking;
– Semi-automatic or automatic weapons whose store can hold more than two cartridges;
– Dead animals or parts thereof for bait in habitats of bears;
– Hunting with birds of prey;
– Use of lead shot in hunting in wetlands

– Snares, loops with glue, hooks, live birds, including blind or mutilated, used as baits;
– Sound recordings, electrical and electronic apparatus capable of killing or stunning;
– Artificial light sources, mirrors and other dazzling objects, objectives for illuminating targets, night shooting target devices incorporating an electronic converter or image magnifier;
– Explosives;
– Networks, traps, poison baits or drugs;
– Semi-automatic or automatic weapons whose store can hold more than two cartridges;
– Use of durable facilities – hunting for waterfowl;
– Hunting with birds of prey;
– Motor boats traveling at speeds above 5 km / h and in the Black Sea – over 18 km / h;
– The use of lead pellets in hunting in wetlands and within 200 meters of them

– Poison;
– Explosives;
– Electric current and other stunning fish appliances and devices;
– Catfish catches;
– Tram and dredging agents.

– Airplanes;
– Moving ground-based motor vehicles.


National Nature Conservation Legislation

Environmental Protection Act


  • Regulates the process of environmental protection and biodiversity;
  • Introduces a control mechanism and the management of environmentally damaging factors;
  • Regulates the collection and access to environmental information;
  • Regulates pollution prevention and mitigation;
  • Regulates the development of strategies, programs and plans for environmental protection;
  • Introducing the need for environmental impact assessment (EIA);
  • Establishing emission and environmental quality standards;
  • Introduction of economic regulators and financial mechanisms for environmental management;
  • Envisions development of the system for monitoring the environmental components;
  • Maintains the principle that the polluter pays for the damage caused;
  • It follows the principle of public participation and transparency in the environmental decision-making process by introducing a right of access to environmental information.


The full text of the law can be seen HERE


Protected Areas Act


Protected areas in Bulgaria is a generalized concept covering all parks, reserves, landmarks and protected zones. Many such territories have been declared in Bulgaria over the years.

This Act regulates the categories of protected areas, their purpose and the regime of conservation and use, announcement and management.

Territories under the protection of this law represent about 5% of the entire territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Protected areas account for over 7% of the forest area.

The law aims at preserving and preserving the protected territories as national and universal human wealth and property and as a special form of protection of the native nature, contributing to the development of culture and science and to the wellbeing of society.

Conservation of nature in protected areas takes precedence over other activities in the protected areas.

The State shall construct and ensure the functioning and preservation of a system of protected areas as part of the regional and global network of such territories in accordance with the international environmental treaties to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.

The policy on the maintenance and management of the protected areas is implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Water and by its authorities in the respective regions. The management and protection of protected areas that are not state property is a task of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.


The full text of the law can be seen HERE


Biodiversity Act


The Biological Diversity Act regulates biodiversity conservation in Bulgaria at species level as well as at habitats level and also regulates trade of wild plants and animals under the CITES international convention. It reflects Bulgarian legislation and EU standards in the field of biodiversity conservation.

This law aims at:

  • Conservation of representative habitat types and habitats of endangered, rare and endemic plant, animal and mushroom species within the National Ecological Network for the Republic of Bulgaria and Europe;
  • The conservation of protected plant, animal and fungal species of flora, fauna and mycobiota of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as those who are subject to use and marketing;
  • Conservation of genetic resources and the diversity of plant and animal species outside their natural environment;
  • Adjusting the introduction of non-native and reintroduction of native plant and animal species in nature;
  • Regulation of trade in specimens of endangered species of wild flora and fauna;
  • Conservation of ancient and remarkable trees.


There are 8 Annex to the law.

  • Annex 1 lists the natural habitats included in Directive 92/43 / EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora which are established in the territory of the country and are subject to protection by including them within the protected zones of NATURA 2000 network (Article 6, paragraph 1, point 1).
  • Annex 2 lists the species of plants and animals covered by Directive 92/43 / EEC, which are found on the territory of the country. The habitats of these species are protected by including them within the NATURA 2000 protected areas (Article 6 (1) (2)).
  • Annex 3 lists the species of animals and plants protected on the territory of the country (Article 37). According to Art. 40 of the Act, for the plant species listed in Appendix 3, “harvesting, harvesting, cutting, grubbing or other means of destruction of specimens in their natural areas of distribution” shall be prohibited, as well as “holding, transporting, transporting, exporting abroad, and the offering for sale or exchange of specimens taken by nature.” These prohibitions apply to “all life stages of plant growth”.
  • In Annex 4 are included species of wild animals and plants, which are under the regime of conservation and regulated use (Article 41, paragraph 1).
    Annex 4a includes species not covered by the prohibitions under Art. 38, para. 1, item 7, when these exhibitors have been legally acquired in the territory of a member of the European Union (Article 41a).
  • Annex 5 lists the prohibited devices, methods and means of capture and killing of animals (Article 44 (1)).
  • Annex 6 lists bird species which are hunting species (Article 47 (2)).


The full text of the law can be seen HERE